About Sensei Sukh Sandhu
Sukh Sandhu is Owner and Kancho (President) of the Gi Yu Kyo Kai Dojo as well as head instructor. He has trained in martial arts for over 40 years with special focus in the art of Kobudo and Jissen Koryu Bujutsu for over 30 years. He holds the following ranks:
- Hachidan (8th degree black belt) from Jissen Koryu Bujutsu GiYu Kyo Kai
- Godan (5th degree black belt) from Fumio Manaka—Kancho Jinenkan Organization
- Nidan (2nd degree black belt) from Masaaki Hatsumi—Soke, Bujinkan Organization
- Shodan (1st degree black belt) in Judo
Sensei Sandhu is also a licensed NRA firearms instructor and a certified NRA range safety officer with experience in combat shooting and ground fighting.
Sensei Sandhu continues to refine himself and his skill by building a successful school with an exceptionally high standard. He travels to other dojos in the United States and Japan with the intent of always learning and improving. Living in various countries around the world has given him a rare opportunity to grow himself and his martial arts abilities. Sensei Sandhu is an excellent teacher and powerful motivator who believes very strongly in the fundamentals of Budo Taijutsu and Jujutsu.
Training Philosophy
Sensei Sandhu’s philosophy regarding martial art training is that it is an integrated, comprehensive part of a person’s lifestyle. Training strengthens the body, mind, and spirit. This is not to be confused as a religious statement in either Eastern or Western ideology.
The spirit is the core beliefs, internal strength and fortitude of a human being.
Martial training forges and advances this spirit to cultivate a person to be a good person in their family and community.